Aviso Legal - Imprint


Soluciones Netquest de Investigación, S.L.U.

Edificio Nexus I, calle Gran Capitán, 2-4, 4a planta, Despacho 404, 08034
Barcelona, España


VAT-ID-Number: B-62470489

Registered Seat Barcelona. Registered in Barcelona Mercantile Registry: sheet B-228142, folio 110, volume 33486.


Codes of Conduct

From 06/14/2022, Soluciones Netquest de Investigación, S.L.U. has voluntarily adhered to the Code of Conduct for the processing of personal data by Market, Social, Opinion and Data Analysis Research Organizations (CODIM, its acronym in Spanish). You can check the text of the Code of Conduct directly on the CODIM website (codim.es).


Board of Directors

Sole Director, Bilendi S.A.



Telefon: (0034) 93 205 00 63
E-Mail contact: marketing@netquest.com
For questions and feedback regarding this website: legal@netquest.com