Flash Survey

A self-service survey platform for instant access to our consumer panels.

Pantalla de un portátil con resultados de flash survey Pantalla de un portátil con resultados de flash survey Pantalla de un portátil con resultados de flash survey

All the answers you need in record time with Flash Survey

This is how Flash Survey works


Diseña tus preguntas

Elige entre plantillas personalizables o programa desde cero.


Obtén las respuestas

Selecciona tu público objetivo y consigue resultados en pocos minutos.


Toma decisiones

Segmenta, filtra, grafica y pondera tus respuestas en un mismo lugar.

Design surveys

Choose from customizable templates or build from scratch.

Get responses

Select your target audience and obtain results in minutes.

Make decisions

Segment, filter, visualize, and weight your responses, all in one place.

Over 1 million verified consumers within your reach

With Flash Survey powered by SightX, instantly analyze the opinions of real people for the best and quickest decision-making.

Traditional way
  • Data in multiple locations
  • Fragmented insights tools
  • Manual data cleaning
  • Time wasted on manual tasks
  • Managing multiple vendors
With Flash Survey
  • Data in one place
  • A single solution for all use cases
  • Automated analysis
  • Faster insight acquisition
  • Time to focus on what matters

Best in class capabilities

  • Automated market segmentation
  • Brand tracking
  • Concept testing
  • Automated conjoint analysis
  • Automated max-diff analysis
  • And many more...