Calculate the sample size you need when your survey measures a proportion or a percentage (for instance, % of smokers in a population). Using this advanced calculator you will see how error margin, confidence level and sample size are interrelated. More information about the used formulas here.
To use the calculator:
Calculate the sample size you need when your survey measures an average value (for example, the average number of cigarettes smoked per individual in the population). In this advanced calculator you will be able to see how margin of error, confidence level and sample size are interrelated.
To use the calculator:
Check if the observed difference between two samples is significant regarding a percentage or a proportion. For example, you have two online advertisements to engage users in your web, A and B. You show each advertisement to 1.000 people and A advertisement gets 10,5% of sales conversion and B gets 11%. How can you determine if this difference was by chance or advertisement A was really better? By doing a test of significance. You have more info in the following post.
To use the calculator:
Check if the observed difference between two samples is significant regarding an average value. For example, you want to know if mothers from the country A have more children on average than mothers in country B. After surveying 1.000 mums from each country you get that mothers from country A have 2,4 children on average and mothers from country B a 3,1. How you can determine if the difference is due to sample size effects or it is real? By doing a significant test. You have more information in the following post.
To use the calculator:
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