What are the different types of surveys?

In the world of research, collecting reliable data is essential to draw valid conclusions and conduct further study. 


One way to gather valuable social and market information is through surveys, a tool that adapts to research objectives and methodologies with the aim of obtaining relevant and reliable data. Let's talk about the types of surveys in this post. 


Variety of Survey Types in Market Research 


If there is a clearly defined goal in the world of surveys in market research, it is to collect as much relevant, quantitative, and precise information as possible about consumer interests, behaviors, and needs: 


  • Market research surveys collect data about the company's target market, including needs, preferences, and behaviors. 
  • Consumer segmentation is intended to divide the company's target consumers who share the same needs into groups. 
  • Lead generation explores the market to find new customers who may be potentially interested in what the company offers. 
  • Surveys on products and services measure the level of acceptance by consumers when new products or services are introduced by the company. 
  • Customer satisfaction questionnaires measure the level of satisfaction of consumers when they try the company's products or services. 


These are some models of surveys in market research that help make business decisions and redefine advertising strategy. 

  sampling data provider

What is a survey, what is it for, and what types exist? 


The survey is a research method that collects data from various groups of people to generate statistics on any specific topic. There are many types of surveys depending on the field of study: 


  • Qualitative surveys seek to collect descriptive data to understand subjective aspects of a topic in depth. 
  • Quantitative surveys seek to collect generic and quantifiable data, for which a large number of participants representing the entire population are needed. 


As it is not always easy to find the target participants to complete these surveys, the sampling service collects the necessary data for the company by analyzing critical research parameters before finding the most suitable participants. 


Breakdown of a Survey Model: Structure, Components, and Implementation Strategies 


The general model of a survey is divided into introduction, filter questions, demographic questions, research questions, and closing questions. Depending on the research objectives, different components can be introduced, for example: 


  • An open-ended question, where the consumer expresses their opinion without restrictions. 
  • The Likert scale, where the level of agreement or disagreement of the consumer is measured. 
  • A multiple-choice question, where the consumer can select more than one option from several response options. 


Survey components are supported by implementation strategies, which consist of analyzing data from a representative sample of the population. Additionally, the survey must be transparent, clear, and concise in order to facilitate the participation of respondents. 


Types of surveys according to their objectives 


If a company has clear goals when collecting data from participants, it can choose between two clearly differentiated types of surveys: 


  • Descriptive surveys seek to collect detailed information on a specific topic, using mostly open and closed questions. 
  • Analytical surveys seek to analyze whether there is a connection between two or more variables, so more complex questions are used that require in-depth analysis. 


Types of surveys according to the application method 


There are many ways to conduct different types of surveys, depending on the methodology, target participants, and objectives. For example, personal surveys are the most traditional and are conducted face-to-face, while online surveys are conducted through a website. 


Telephone surveys, email surveys, and surveys in focus groups are also used. These last types of surveys are very common when a company needs to know the opinion of the respondent when trying a product or service in situ. 


At Netquest, we have been revolutionizing the market research industry for over 20 years with genuine people, which allows us to obtain genuine insights. Our goal is to offer quality data that leads to high-impact decisions and strategies. 


If you need more information about our sampling service or help with your next project, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can create your own Symphony of Data! 

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