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Political polls’ credibility on the ropes again
It seems that the most convenient way to predict results in the politics scenario is to follow polls. But can we actually trust them? Now this has become THE awkward questioning for pollsters.
July 25, 2016 | Nijady Balanta
We need a fair measure of online panels size
The ISO26362 standard for access panels –thus applicable to online panels- was born with the purpose of providing research clients more clarity on how said data sources are created and managed. This ...
May 13, 2016 | Carlos Ochoa
5 tips to recruit participants for online communities
In the field of Online Research Communities, projects do not usually surpass the 100 participants nor last over six months. In fact, most of our communities last less than 15 days and have on average ...
April 01, 2016 | Ferran Savín
The Times they are A-Changin' for the Questionnaire
I must admit that I am sort of an intruder in the Market Research industry. I am not sure if this is the best way to describe myself after 12 years working in an Online Panel Company, occupying ...
November 19, 2015 | Carlos Ochoa
Programmatic buying knocks market research doors
“Programmatic buying is the gluten of advertising. Like gluten, ‘programmatic’ has become a buzzword that many people use but few really understand. They just know it’s important.”
August 06, 2015 | Nijady Balanta
9 Myths about Online Market Research
There are so many myths around online research. Some of them are just based on the mistrust that some clients still have on the Internet but to be honest, we know that there are some reluctances ...
May 28, 2015 | Silvia Viñuales