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Online Focus Groups: the necessary migration
Innovate. A verb we all know and have heard before. It means changing or modifying something, introducing something new. So, if we are familiar with this word, why is it that innovating seems to be ...
June 12, 2020 | Andreina De Abreu
5 advantages of the Online Focus Group
Adaptation is necessary. Is this a motto? I am not sure but what I am positive about is that it seems we hear this often. It reaches our ears so frequently that we can easily confuse adaptation with ...
May 28, 2020 | Andreina De Abreu
How to identify a dishonest panelist?
I confess I like cooking (although I’m starting to suspect that this is an unrequited love).
August 26, 2019 | Oriol Llauradó
The Mobile World Congress From a Market Researcher's Perspective
Barcelona hosted the annual Mobile World Conference (MWC2018) during the last week of February. For one week, the Catalan city became a showroom of the latest technologies in mobility. What used to ...
March 15, 2018 | Joaquim Bretcha
Tribute to the Genuine Women Around the Globe
Before you start reading this article, I’d like to ask you for a little favor: For a few seconds, take a look around you. What do you see? I bet there’s at least one woman. At least one. Working ...
March 08, 2018 | Isabel Montero Garcés
IIEX Europe: once the hype mist is cleared people are what remain
An upfront confession: I am writing this post while attending the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, a feast of consumer technology. So, surrounded by high-tech and all its related hypes, my aim is ...
March 05, 2018 | Joaquim Bretcha