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3 benefits of behavioral data to obtain quality data
One of the most effective ways to collect high-quality data, which makes it possible to learn about customers’ needs and purchasing habits, is by using behavioral data. Below, we will look at some ...
July 11, 2022 | Oscar Trigueros
Ensure effective market studies with quality data
The market research industry has recently undergone dramatic changes. To tackle these dynamics, agency researchers (professionals who are part of companies that offer market research services to ...
How to identify a dishonest panelist?
I confess I like cooking (although I’m starting to suspect that this is an unrequited love).
August 26, 2019 | Oriol Llauradó
Survey quality: Why using quality controls?
On a previous post we told you about the Online Panels Mystery Shopping exercise done by our team. Let’s do a recap: our team created two fictional panelists identities and then joined 10 Online ...
July 25, 2019 | Maria García Limón
5 ways to conduct Ad Effectiveness research
When you think of doing research to understand Advertising Effectiveness what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe conducting a Survey? Think again.
June 27, 2019 | Vanessa Castro
How and when to use drop-box type scales in surveys
The Survey Academy Series: 7th Chapter The design – meaning the type of questions and how they are presented – that we choose for a survey is essential. A good survey design is the one that ...
December 11, 2018 | Carlos Ochoa