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A sample against COVID-19
How many people have actually been infected by COVID-19? Over the past few weeks we've seen a surprising range of conflicting figures. Surprising both because of the simplicity of the question and ...
April 30, 2020 | Carlos Ochoa
2020: Market Research Trends
At the beginning of every year, the biggest fashion magazines talk about the latest trends for the upcoming seasons. This year, we decided to do the same for market research. For example, we know ...
January 21, 2020 | Maria García Limón
Predicting the installation rate of a passive measurement meter
Panel companies get data from people by offering a pretty simple deal. That is, participants, share their data with panel companies and panel companies pay them for that using one of the many ...
December 16, 2019 | Carlos Ochoa
Is behavioral data private information?
I was very surprised when I discovered that beyond being an individual right, privacy is a fundamental right, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations ...
October 28, 2019 | Andreina De Abreu
Communication with panelists: why does it matter?
The phrase "the medium is the message" is one of McLuhan’s more iconic statements. Who would have guessed that almost four decades after his death, this idea would remain strong. Now, the Internet is ...
September 24, 2019 | Andreina De Abreu
How to identify a dishonest panelist?
I confess I like cooking (although I’m starting to suspect that this is an unrequited love).
August 26, 2019 | Oriol Llauradó